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The Alliance

A Brief History of Banking
The earliest account of banking are transactions of borrowing and lending seeds in the Bible, where God Commands His people not to charge interest to their own people (Exodus 22:25; Leviticus 25:36-37; Deuteronomy 23:19-20; Nehemiah 5:7 & 10; Psalm 15:5; Proverbs 28:8 and Ezekiel 18:8, 13 & 17, & 22:12).

When the harvest came in, the seeds would be repaid immediately. These transactions eventually evolved into actual money. Hebrew coins have been found in excavations dating from 134-104 BC, and probably earlier.

Our history books tell us that actual brick and mortar heathen banks first appeared in early Greece, concurrent with the development of coinage. They were known in India at the time of Alexander the Great, and they were also a part of the public granary system in Egypt.

They appeared in Damascus in 1200 and in Barcelona in 1401. These heathen banks always failed––went bankrupt, because they always strayed from simply storing the people's money, into lending money they didn't have––they used their depositor's money to do this. If
It was the city-state of Venice, however, which is considered the framework of banking as we know it today. With the passage of time and the fading memory of previous banking abuses, the Venetian Senate eventually succumbed to the temptation of credit.

Strapped for funds, the politicians decided they would authorize a new bank without restrictions against loans. A new bank was formed and like its bankrupt predecessors, began immediately to create money out of nothing for the purpose of lending it to the government. Eighteen years later, this sound bank was absorbed into the new bank, and history's first hint of sound banking was gone––again.

From then on, almost without exception, all banks followed the lucrative practice of lending money which was not truly available for loan. And every one of these banks failed. Something had to be done to keep these banks from failing––without changing the illegal practice that came to be known as Fractional Reserve Banking. Unfortunately, this practice of course failed every time. It took approximately fifty to sixty years, but each of these illegal banks always failed.

The Alliance
After the War of the League of Augsberg in 1693, King William of England (Scotland and the Netherlands), also known as William of Orange (or King William II & III), instigated The Alliance.

He needed money for the war with France, but the English government had become a bad risk, due to previous Kings losing the people's money. This was still fresh in the people's memory.

Parliament became desperate for some other way to obtain the money. They weren’t interested in bringing more control to their banking interests, but to provide means outside the usual sources of taxes and public loans for the financial requirements of a penniless government.

The details of how this Alliance actually came to be are a bit fuzzy, but suffice it to say that a group of bankers and a group of politicians did in fact come together to form an alliance––or rather a cabal. The American Heritage Dictionary defines a cabal as a conspiratorial group of plotters or intriguers. There is no other word that could so accurately describe these two devious groups today.

In the following year (1694) the Bank of England was formed in order to institutionalize Fractional Reserve Banking (so as to cause this practice to appear legal). As the world's first central bank, this new practice introduced the concept of a partnership between bankers and politicians. The politicians would receive spendable money (created out of nothing by the bankers) without having to raise taxes. In return, the bankers would receive a commission on the transaction––deceptively called interest––which would continue in perpetuity (the interest eventually turned into taxes anyway).

This arrangement proved to be so profitable to the participants that it soon spread to many other countries in Europe, and eventually to the United States after they became a nation. Fractional Reserve Banking is essentially an illegal and corrupt practice, which steals from the people under whichever government body they have entrusted with their money.

Since it all seemed to be wrapped up in the mysterious rituals of banking, which the common man was not expected to understand, to this day there has been practically no opposition to this corrupt scheme.

As soon as the Bank of England was chartered, King William himself and various members of Parliament rushed to become shareholders of the new money factory they had just created. The Bank of England was the front for this Cabal.

The Federal Reserve (Central Bank) of the United States
The United States survived without a central bank for about twenty-five years after President Andrew Jackson closed the Second Bank of the United States. History will tell you it was for eighty years, but the stock market crash and failure of banks that happened in 1907 could only happen because of a central bank. Central banks can only operate for about fifty to sixty years before they crash, and therefore it was about the year 1857 that the bankers got the central bank going again––in secret.

The story behind how (and when) the Federal Reserve was started is a LIE. It was invented and inserted into our history in order to show the people that the United States needed a central bank to regulate our economy. We have been under a central banking system since about 1857, and had no idea until 1913––and even then that fact was disguised because the people were still wary of central banks.

It was about this time (perhaps much earlier) that the burden of all the fiat (fake) money created by the Federal Reserve was put upon the people, in the form of taxes––many different taxes.

Wars or catastrophic world events cover up the fact that central banks do not work and will always crash (they still do––the Biden administration is in the process of trying to get a war started between Russia and Ukraine (anyone really!) in order to hide the details of their Great Reset). They will always need a war or catastrophic event to cover up the fact that they always have to reset their system very 50-60 years because it simply does not work, and no country really needs a central bank.

In Europe and America, the banks have always operated with the assumption that their partners in government will come to their aid when they get into trouble. Politicians may speak about protecting the public, but the underlying reality is that the government needs the fiat money (illusionary money) produced by the banks. The people are not their first priority, or in actuality not a priority at all.

The banks, therefore––at least the big ones––must not be allowed to fail, and today (up until 2020) so many mergers have happened that all banks are big banks. Only a cartel with government protection can enjoy such insulation from the workings of a so-called free market.

In the eyes of government, banks are special, and it has been that way from the beginning of their brotherhood (alliance in 1693). We must take note that in the crash of 2008 and 2009, Congress bailed out the big banks, NOT the people. Many people lost their homes, and much more.

This Cabal has taken on many faces throughout these three hundred plus years, and is still in effect today, as the Federal Reserve in the United States, as well as within every single Central Bank in other countries; along with Congress, and other entities that have joined in on this lucrative venture.

The reality of central banks (Federal Reserve System), under the guise of purchasing government bonds, is that they act as hidden money machines which can be activated any time the politicians want (actually, any time the Freedom Thieves want). Because the process is not understood by the public, it is politically safe.

The sad truth: Fractional based banking (credit; also called Fractional Reserve Banking) is no different than legal counterfeiting. Outside of the banking world, this is a crime.

The Rothschild family is majority owner of the Bank of England, and the Bank of England is majority owner of, and runs The Federal Reserve of the United States (the Central Bank). There are actually only eight families that own the Central Banks around the world (all German Jews––somewhere along the line, these German Jews became involved in this illegal practice), such as JP Morgan (Rothschild), Rockefeller family, the Lehman Brothers and several others. That means all of the Central Banks all over the world are controlled by only eight families––they control all these countries that have a central bank. Within each central bank's governments there are one or more members of these controlling families of the Bank of England. Concerning the Federal Reserve, one I know of for sure is Adam Schiff; there may be more.

In short, CREDIT has always been the downfall of the world’s banking system––of ANY banking system. Living beyond our means in every way, both the people and the government, is a corrupt system that will ALWAYS fail––for both the banks lending and the people borrowing. But the banks are presently protected by the government.

Many of the central bank’s stockholders reside in Europe, which one important repository for the wealth of the global oligarchy that owns these bank holding companies is US Trust Corporation––founded in 1853 and now owned by Bank of America. A recent US Trust Corporate Director and Honorary Trustee was Walter Rothschild.

All twelve US Federal Reserve Bank branches are owned by ten banks: N.M. Rothschild of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank of New York (also Rothschild).

William Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff and James Stillman are listed as individuals who own large shares of the Fed. The Schiffs are insiders at Kuhn Loeb.

Hanne Nabintu Herland states in her book TRUMP: The Battle for America, “the Rothschilds...preferred to operate anonymously in the US behind the facade of J.P. Morgan & Company.” Author Gabriel Kolko stated, “Morgan’s activities in 1895-1896 in selling US gold bonds in Europe were based on an alliance with the House of Rothschild.”

The House of Morgan was cozy with the British House of Windsor and the Italian House of Savoy. The Kuhn Loebs, Warburgs, Lehmans, Lazards, Israel Moses Seifs and Goldman Sachs also had close ties to European royalty.

Federal Reserve Emergency Loans
In November 2011 there was a first ever Federal Reserve Audit. Until then (and since) they have avoided being audited, since they are considered an independent corporation.

If you think the most recent proposed Trillions of dollars Stimulus Bills are bad, in this audit it was discovered that the Federal Reserve gave 26 Trillion dollars in Emergency Loans to other nations. These loans don't show on America’s balance sheet, but I am quite sure we are paying for it.

Debt & The Economy

Bottom Line: In order to keep the banks honest, we would have to ban fractional reserve banking. That means no more Credit––you cannot grow a business without credit, and at today’s prices, you wouldn’t even be able to buy a house––life is simply not the same as it was when this country began. I doubt anyone would agree to this, so I seriously doubt there will ever be an honest bank––and something like this Cabal will arise again.

Edited / Updated 2-22-22