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Yom Teruach 2022
Day of Blowing (Trumpets)

Day of Blowing or Trumpets (Yom Teruach)
There are actually two Hebrew words for this day: Teruach which means Spirit, wind, breath or blowing (the Shofar); and Teruah which means a happy trumpet sound. This day is also known as the Day of Remembrance.

This Day of Blowing is the only holy day occurring on the first day of the month, which means it is also a Rosh Chodesh (First Restoration––formerly, and falsely known as New Moon).

Just as the seventh day and the seventh year are holy according to the Torah (Exodus 20:8 & Leviticus 25:4), so is Etanim (Tishrei), the seventh month and the Shabbat of months (Leviticus 23:24). Yom Teruach falls on the first day of the seventh month.

Day of Remembrance
Jewish tradition (Talmud) states that the resurrection of the dead will occur on this day, and the sun and moon will stop shining. However, there is substantial evidence that tells us a clarification is needed: yes, this is the day when the Sun and Moon will stop shining, but not as the Jews think. It will happen because Yom Teruach is also known as the Day of Remembrance, which holds much significance for the end of this age, and also happened the first time two thousand years ago (Matthew 27:45 & Mark 15:33).

I truly believe this is the day Yeshua will pour out His Spirit on the Jews one last time––and they will remember the man the Hebrews pierced. The Hebrew words for Day of Remembrance are Yom Zeker.  The Hebrew word for remember is zeker, and the ancient meaning of zeker is pierce the cover Man (Yeshua). It is translated as remember or remembrance, therefore Yom Zeker means the day of remembering the pierced Man!

According to Zechariah 12:10 - 13:1, and the very meaning of this word zeker, I believe in the process of Yeshua pouring out His Spirit this last time to reveal Himself to the Jews, they will remember that He is in fact the Man their ancestors (Pharisees) had pierced two thousand years ago, and the Pierced Man is none other than Yeshua! This will be the perfected miqra of Joel 2:28 and Zechariah 12:10.

Rosh Hashannah
The Jewish Talmud (traditions of man) states that this day is the Jewish new year (Rosh Hashanah), but this cannot be found in Scripture. It is thought this because somewhere along the line someone confused this time of the year with the Jubilee year, which begins on Yom Kippur. However, in Exodus 12:2 and Ezra 10:17 we find that Abib 1 is the first day of the first month. Etanim 1 could not be the head of the year, as it is the seventh month.

The Hebrew words for words beginning and first are rosh and rishon (the root being rosh for both). Both words mean the head, first or the beginning.

In other words, the month of Abib is to be the beginning of months of the year. I don’t see how this can be seen as anything other than “the first of the year or head of the year.” There is absolutely nothing in Scripture that states that Etanim 1 is the head of the year.

God did not change the beginning of the Year to the month of Abib, the beginning of Spring (Exodus 12:2), He simply announced it (it had already been known to God’s people, but they had been in captivity for a very long time and it appears they forgot, just as they forgot the Torah). There appears nothing from this point on in Scripture that tells us we are to celebrate the New Year in the seventh month, nor that it ever was. Rosh Hashannah is simply not in the Scriptures.

So if you need to celebrate Rosh Hashannah, do so on Abib 1; and celebrate Yom Teruach on Etanim 1 as God ordained it to be celebrated––as the Day of Blowing (the shofar) just as it is written in Scripture.

Celebrating Yom Teruach
• If you have music that consists of songs which praise God, I believe it would be appropriate to listen to this music on this day, and throughout this whole season.

• While these Fall Feasts are the real season Yeshua was born, there is nothing in Scripture that states we are to celebrate it as such. There is no indication that Yeshua, or anyone else in the Bible, celebrated birthdays or even His birthday––celebrating birthdays is a Greek thing. We are to exalt God, not ourselves.

• Day of Trumpets is a day off from work and it is also a Rosh Chodesh (First Restoration). This day is in the category of a Shabbat (Sabbath).

• Leviticus 23:23-25 and Numbers 29:1 tell us that Yom Teruach is a memorial of blowing the trumpet, and these trumpets are blown periodically all day long. The Shofar is to be blown, alternating with the Silver Trumpets blown in short blasts.

• Hebrews in ancient Israel announced each Rosh Chodesh with short blasts of the silver trumpet, but the First Restoration of Etanim was announced with long blasts of the Shofar, setting this day apart.

• While it is always good to be in a state of humility and repentance daily, we do not have to be in a state of perpetual gloom during the ten days leading up to Yom Kippur (known as the Ten days of Awe to the Jews).  Originally this was to be done on Yom Kippur only (Leviticus 23:29 & 32).

• This should be a very joyful day for those who already know Yeshua: full of praising Yah and dancing around in His Holy presence, while others blow the Shofar and Silver Trumpets.

• Since I believe this day is going to be the day Yeshua reveals Himself to the Jews, they will most likely be in a mournful, and bittersweet state when this occurs. We should be in the practice of praying for them off and on all day, to know Yeshua, so that when He does drop His Spirit upon His people believers will already be in prayer mode.

• There is nothing mentioned in Scripture about this day actually being a Feast day, but it is to be a joyful day, so I believe a meal in the middle of the day would be appropriate.

• Reading Zechariah 12:10-13:1 and Joel 3:1-5 would be appropriate, as well as praying Psalm 122:6-9 because Israel’s shalom (peace) is Yeshua! This could be done after the meal.

• Although this is not a Commandment in the Scriptures, another way to celebrate this day is to consider fasting on this day (or maybe the day before) with prayer for the Jews to know Yeshua.