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Walking With God

Definition, According to Webster
God (gäd)
1 (in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.
2 a spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity.

Simply put, God is the Creator of all that exists, which is what God’s Name Yahweh means in English. But what does that mean to the created, namely mankind? Some may ask what rights does a creator have over the created?

Well, if one has a creator then that one belongs to his or her creator. To belong to Someone means that the Creator takes care of and protects the created. God is mankind’s caretaker and a caretaker gives instructions to those He cares for on how to live in order to keep them safe. He is not a dictator, but He is responsible for mankind. He expects, and deserves respect from mankind, as well as our obedience to the instructions He has given us in order to keep us safe.

God will do whatever He deems right to and for mankind. Mankind, being fallen spirits in nature, will always go in the direction of self-destruction. Given a rope long enough, mankind will always hang himself! Mankind needs help and guidance to keep him on the safe path in life.

Mankind will never have a better way than God, not only because he is the created, but also because he cannot see the big picture. God lives outside all dimensions, and therefore can see the big picture––He sees a person’s past, present and future, and therefore knows what a particular person needs in any given situation, at any given time. The person will usually think he knows best because he thinks his life is his own. But a created life belongs to God, and He does in fact know what is best for that life.

God cannot be persuaded to do anything outside of His nature. God is literally an all-consuming fire. His being can literally kill anything or anyone who comes in physical contact with Him. He isn’t exactly a fire as we know fire, but a holiness so bright, so worthy, so glorious, so magnificent that He is an invisible force that can physically overpower a created being, and cause them to bow down to Him. He should and deserves, to be loved, praised, adored, honored and worshiped because He is beautiful and distinctive from any created being. He is Spirit––He is our Father.

Being made in His likeness does not mean we look like God. It means we are also spirits, and we have God’s blood running through our flesh and blood bodies. We were made from the substance of the earth and were given God’s blood.

God's Blood is living tissue––it is not liquid––living tissue that is also a part of the soil. God's Blood is literally our life force––the life force of every single living organism. This Life Force is not bacteria––it is what true scientists have named either microzyma or somatid. This Life Force is how our skin heals, or our bones heal––and it is how our whole bodies also heal themselves of all diseases. This Life Force is God.

The Purpose of Life
Our entire journey through life is about learning to trust God. The English dictionary defines trust as: firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something––in this case, that Someone is God. There will be times when God needs to draw you into the wilderness in order to draw you closer to Him. He may be preparing you for something where He needs your complete trust in Him. He will then draw you into His training ground, the wilderness. To be able to trust completely in Yahweh Yeshua(ti) (Yahweh, our Salvation) is one of the most difficult, but most important areas of your life that God needs to train you in––it will be a continual, life-long journey to learn to trust and begin to know God. It is in this wilderness where you will learn to trust God.

Emunah is one of the Hebrew words usually translated as faithful, believe or faithfulness, but more accurately, it means trust or trustworthiness (faith is actually a Greek abstract term). Trust is an action word, which is what Hebrew words are. The root of this word is aman, which means to go to the Right Hand or to take the Right Hand Way.

So trust comes from taking the Right Hand Way. The Right Hand Way is God’s Way, otherwise known as the Torah. To go to the Right Hand is to go toward Yeshua (Jesus)––the Man Who wrote the Torah.

When Yahweh draws you closer to Him, and you make the decision to go to the Right Hand––you move toward God. As you move toward His Right Hand, you are moving closer to the Right Hand Way––closer to Yahweh Yeshua.

You are moving ever closer to trusting God completely with your entire life. So in fact, this wilderness journey is the only way to the Right Hand Way––to trusting Yeshua with your life. God is teaching you how to trust in only Him completely––for EVERYTHING.

God will come through for you, no matter what kind of miracle you need, or the circumstances in your life––but this miracle may not look like what you wanted or expected. We must remember that when God answers a prayer it is to continue and benefit His work, not yours. If He is perfecting you for Himself, God may not answer prayers to stop the suffering in the manner you wish––you may need to suffer a little longer to reach the place God is calling you to.

Trust is not simply a word describing a belief system––it is a word that is a part of a Way of Life––and it is a part of truly being able to Walk with God. A belief system is something that is not tangible to you, and therefore can dissipate and be forgotten. But Walking with God becomes a Way of Life to you––God’s Way of Life. It becomes who you are––it is a part of you and cannot be separated from you. It is tangible––something you know, something you can always rely on to be true and real––something (Someone) you know you can trust.

Being a Trusting Disciple of God
There are very few men who stand out in the Scriptures, because there are very few men who actually chose to follow God––no questions asked. They listened to God, spent time getting to know Who He truly is and spent time in His Word. They didn't just a read a verse or two––they actually searched out every single word in the Scriptures in order to find the true meaning of what God was saying in His Word. They truly wanted to know and understand Yeshua. They truly wanted to be God's disciple because they wanted to walk with Him.

The loneliness of someone who truly trusts God is the result from the walk with God in an unGodly world. A trusting disciple’s instincts cry out for companionship with others who can understand his spiritual longings, and his love of Yeshua. But because within his circle of believers there are so few who actually share these Godly thoughts and concerns, he is usually forced to walk alone.

Today many people have confused being a trusting disciple with being a follower of Yeshua. But someone who is a follower of Yeshua is not automatically a disciple. A disciple is much more than someone who simply follows Yeshua.

In a Teacher-disciple relationship, the disciple is expected to place himself or herself in a position of total obedience and dedication to his or her Teacher––a desire to become just like his or her Teacher. This was said to be taking on the yoke of the Teacher. When Yeshua invited His disciples to take on His yoke and they would find rest for their souls, would have meant nothing burdensome to them. They considered this act of obedience to be an honor.

A trusting disciple is an extremely dedicated person––one who truly wants to learn the things of God from Himself. The life of a disciple engaged in study with Yeshua can be rigorous, and great sacrifice is required. However, the joy and satisfaction that a trusting disciple of Yeshua receives far outweighs the sacrifices that he is required to make. A trusting disciple puts action to what he or she believes, and allows their spirit and life to be guided, molded and transformed by Yahweh Yeshua.

The teacher’s true disciples forsake all to learn Torah, and that is exactly what Yeshua’s disciples were doing––they forsook all to follow Him so they could learn Torah from Him––the One Who wrote the Torah.

A trusting disciple usually walks alone––it is a very lonely existence. Although he or she will not find much companionship in this present time, a trusting disciple is in good company. Men like Enoch, Noach or Daniel walked a path quite apart from other Israelites. They too led very lonely lives.

Yeshua asks His believers to give up our worldly lives, and that is just too high a price for most people. This is why Yeshua (Jesus) said, “Many are called, but few are chosen.”

True spiritual fellowship is hard to find. But a trusting disciple should not expect things to be otherwise. A wise man once described it as “walking with God in the garden of your spirit, and Who but God can walk there with you?”

The trusting disciple is truly someone who walks to a different drum. He or she finds few who care to talk about that which is the highest of his or her interest, so he or she is often silent and preoccupied in the midst of noisy religious shop talk. Since a trusting disciple finds few or none who actually know of the spiritual things he or she speaks, these things are kept hidden in the disciple’s heart.

Seeking the companionship a true disciple longs for seems futile. But it is this very loneliness that throws the true disciple back into the closet with God to seek what he or she cannot find anywhere else.

The life of a trusting disciple should be the life of most believers, but sadly it is not. Unfortunately, so many believers today feel too much at home in the world. They are not lonely, but neither are they trusting disciples of Yahweh. They won't go to the lower sheol (hell), but neither will they spend the rest of their lives with Yeshua in Paradise. They will simply cease to be––very sad to think about when they could have had an eternal life with God.

In The Wilderness
In the wilderness, we discover who we really are––God isolates us so He can shape us into pure and humble offerings that He is able to use for His kingdom work.

Can God be trusted to bring forth all that He has said He would? Yes, He can, but it isn’t easy. We will never be able to convince others to trust in God, if we don’t know ourselves that He can be trusted.

God’s Word is very specific about providing for all our needs––but do we know what those needs are? Are they things we think we need, as in perceived needs? Or are they the things God knows we need?

God is not only trying to teach you how to trust Him for all your Earthly needs, He is bringing you to a place of humility––to a place where He can use you in His Plan of Salvation for all mankind. It is when you have become humbled that you will finally reach out to Yeshua, and trust in only Him.

God may isolate you from the world, so He can have your full attention. He wants to purify you, like silver is purified in fire. He wants to mold you into the person He knows you are, so He can use you the Way He intended. Eventually God Himself will be the only One you can trust––just like the Israelites in the wilderness.

Although it would have been hard for the Israelites to trust that they were not going to starve out there in the desert, God had already shown them many miracles back in Egypt before they even left. And then He split the Reed Sea (Red Sea), causing them to walk on dry land!

The Israelites saw all these miracles of God, yet they still could not trust Him. This is still true of mankind today, but Yeshua still tells us to trust only in Him. We must trust His Torah––He is a Man of His Word.

God may have condemned the fathers of the Israelites, but what He was really doing over those forty years was teaching their children how to trust only Him. They were the ones who had God’s focus in that wilderness. He had Moses teach them all the things God told him up on the mountain. He was teaching them the Torah, and how to trust Yahweh. After those forty years were over, not only did the original generation die out (all but two men, that is), but the children came to trust in God for all their needs (for the most part), and they knew the true Torah (their fathers never taught the Torah to them).

They had no food or places to buy food, but God made sure they had enough food for the whole forty years. God will make sure you always have a roof over your head, clothes on your back, food in your stomach and money in your pocket to pay for the necessities. He will be with you throughout this whole experience––even if it doesn’t feel like He is there. Remember, God has already been there. He’s already gone ahead and prepared the Way for you––the Right Hand Way.

Trust the Process

God’s Way of building our trust in Him is so opposite of what we ourselves think it should be. Because we think we already trust Him in every way, the only way to really put this trust to the test is to pull the rug out from under us, so to speak.

If you have given Yeshua carte blanche to teach you complete trust in Him, that is exactly what He will do. He will take you out of Egypt and bring you into the desert to teach you what it really means to trust in Him completely. And this experience will last as long as God thinks it needs to. In other words, it will appear as if God is destroying your trust in Him in order to teach you to trust in Him.

In reality, what He does is destroy your false sense of trust, in order to build in you a true sense of trust in Him––and only Him. Though at times you won’t believe it, you will come through it a different person. The whole process of a wilderness experience is about tearing out the old, icky stuff. It is hard, its messy and at times painful. But we have to be willing to go through the process if we really want to see a true change in ourselves. Anything less is just a cover-up or bandaid.

God sees the Big Picture and He knows what happens in the end, because He’s already been there. Just humble yourself before Him, pray and worship Him. And trust in Him and all He says in His Torah (the true Word).

Updated 2-24-22